The giant hosta shook their heart shaped heads from side to side in the breeze, and cast off the water from their evening hose-down. They stood tall in a small patch dirt in the middle of the park and hung over the red granite, which was spattered beneath them.
There was a large stream of water running from the sprinkler hose past my sneakers, which ended in a murky puddle that people were meandering precariously around. They wore helmets and rolled bicycles, or walked authoritatively with their pants hanging low and boxer shorts showing. Some were carrying briefcases and looked slightly preoccupied. Some were carrying briefcases and looked tired and bored. They mostly ignored the hostas, which tossed ever so gently. I would not have paid them one bit of attention were I not waiting in the impossible heat for run club to begin.
I knew no one would come with the humidity being so high but I felt like I needed to show up just in case. People were walking their dogs on leashes, and casting them out as bait. When someone bit, the dog owner would toss their heads back and laugh and then look lovingly at the dog while slowly shortening the leash. When they had the person fully reeled in, they would size them up with a scrutinizing eye and then decide whether their pray was a keeper. The rejected ones were thrown back instantly without so much as a phone number.
At 6:05 I hopped over the tiny stream and made my way back inside, eager to get back upstairs to the salad I had made and then left this morning. It was sweet and spiced with tarragon. It had apple cider vinegar and crunchy peppers and cucumber. It was salty with feta cheese. For once I was excited not have to go running right away after work.
Hosta La Vista Salad
2 cups mache greens
1 small orange bell pepper, diced
1/2 green pepper, diced
1/2 cup sliced cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup feta cheese
1 peeled, sliced cucumber
1/4 red onion, diced
Dress with:
3 Tbsp grape seed oil
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper
1 minced clove garlic
1 1/2 tsp raw honey
1/4 tsp ume plum vinegar
1 tsp tarragon
Christina's vote: "This salad made me feel like I could live to 1001"
Wow, thats a challenge, 90 salads in 90 days, could get me back into my fav boxer shorts though!